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Type: Conference paper
Title: Sampling-based multiview reconstruction without correspondences for 3D edges
Author: Teney, D.
Piater, J.
Citation: Proceedings of the 2nd Joint 3DIM/3DPVT Conference: 3D Imaging, Modeling, Processing, Visualization and Transmission, 2012, pp.160-167
Publisher: IEEE
Issue Date: 2012
ISBN: 9780769548739
Conference Name: 2nd Joint 3DIM/3DPVT International Conference on 3D Imaging, Modeling, Processing, Visualization and Transmission (3DIMPVT) (13 Oct 2012 - 15 Oct 2012 : Zurich, Switerzland)
Statement of
Damien Teney, Justus Piater
Abstract: This paper introduces a novel method for featurebased 3D reconstruction using multiple calibrated 2D views. We use a probabilistic formulation of the problem in the 3D, reconstructed space that allows using features that cannot be matched one-to-one, or which cannot be precisely located, such as points along edges. The reconstructed scene, modelled as a probability distribution in the 3D space, is defined as the intersection of all reconstructions compatible with each available view. We introduce a method based on importance sampling to retrieve individual samples from that distribution, as well as an iterative method to identify contiguous regions of high density. This allows the reconstruction of continuous 3D curves compatible with all the given input views, without establishing specific correspondences and without relying on connectivity in the input images, while accounting for uncertainty in the input observations, due e.g. to noisy images and poorly calibrated cameras. The technical formulation is attractive in its flexibility and genericity. The implemented system, evaluated on several very different publicly-available datasets, shows results competitive with existing methods, effectively dealing with arbitrary numbers of views, wide baselines and imprecise camera calibrations.
Rights: © 2012 IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/3DIMPVT.2012.28
Published version:
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Computer Science publications

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