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Type: Thesis
Title: The impact of mental health, service and transition factors on civilian unemployment in transitioned Australian Defence Force members
Author: Palumbo, Lisa
Issue Date: 2019
School/Discipline: School of Psychology
Abstract: The transition from military to civilian life can be challenging for many service members as they learn to cope with changes in their vocational and personal identity, relationships and differences in civilian workplace expectations. Compared with their civilian peers, veterans are more likely to exhibit greater mental health symptomology. The presence of mental health conditions has been found to exacerbate adjustment difficulties, impacting on civilian reintegration and employment outcomes. Further exploration of the facilitators and barriers impacting transition success is needed to better support our veterans.
Dissertation Note: Thesis (M.Psych(Organisational & Human Factors)) -- University of Adelaide, School of Psychology, 2019
Keywords: Masters; Psychology; OHF
Description: This item is only available electronically.
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