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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
200324 channels x 10 GHz multiwavelength pulse source based on supercontinuum generation in highly nonlinear holey fiberYusoff, Z.; Teh, P.; Petropoulos, P.; Furusawa, K.; Belardi, W.; Monro, T.; Richardson, D.; Optical Fiber Communications Conference (2003 : Atlanta, USA)
2005Extreme nonlinearity and new dispersion properties of soft glass microstructured optical fibersEbendorff-Heidepriem, H.; Monro, T.; Petropoulos, P.; Finazzi, V.; Asimakis, S.; Leong, J.; Frampton, K.; Moore, R.; Richardson, D.; The American Ceramic Society. Meeting & Exposition (107th : 2005 : Baltimore, MA.)
2005Towards zero dispersion highly nonlinear lead silicate glass holey fibres at 1550nm by structured-element-stackingLeong, J.; Asimakis, S.; Poletti, F.; Petropoulos, P.; Feng, X.; Moore, R.; Frampton, K.; Monro, T.; Ebendorff-Heidepriem, H.; Loh, W.; Richardson, D.; European Conference on Optical Communication (31st : 2005 : Glasgow, Scotland)
2005Non-silica highly nonlinear holey fibers for telecommunications applicationsAsimakis, S.; Petropoulos, P.; Ebendorff-Heidepriem, H.; Leong, J.; Finazzi, V.; Koizumi, F.; Frampton, K.; Moore, R.; Monro, T.; Richardson, D.; Optical Core Network Technologies (2005 : Aveiro, Portugal)
2005Broadband supercontinuum generation in an extremely nonlinear extruded lead silicate holey fiber using weak fs pulsesLeong, J.; Petropoulos, P.; Price, J.; Ebendorff-Heidepriem, H.; Asimakis, S.; Moore, R.; Frampton, K.; Finazzi, V.; Feng, X.; Monro, T.; Richardson, D.; Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (2005 : Tokyo, Japan)
2005A lead silicate holey fibre with γ=1860 W⁻¹km⁻¹ at 1550 nmLeong, J.; Petropoulos, P.; Asimakis, S.; Ebendorff-Heidepriem, H.; Moore, R.; Frampton, K.; Finazzi, V.; Feng, X.; Price, J.; Monro, T.; Richardson, D.; Karl Koch,; OFC/NFOEC (2005 : Anaheim, California, USA)
2006Generation of mid-IR continuum using tellurite microstructured fiberDelmonte, T.; Watson, M.; O'Driscoll, E.; Feng, X.; Monro, T.; Finazzi, V.; Petropoulos, P.; Price, J.; Baggett, J.; Loh, W.; Richardson, D.; Hand, D.; Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics (2006 : Long Beach, Calif.)
2005Microstructured fibres for sensing applicationsPetrovich, M.; VanBrakel, A.; Poletti, F.; Mukasa, K.; Austin, E.; Finazzi, V.; Petropoulos, P.; Watson, M.; Delmonte, T.; Monro, T.; Dakin, J.; Richardson, D.; Du, H.H.; SPIE Optics East (2005 : Boston, USA)
2006High-nonlinearity dispersion-shifted lead-silicate holey fibers for efficient 1-µm pumped supercontinuum generationLeong, J.; Petropoulos, P.; Price, J.; Ebendorff-Heidepriem, H.; Asimakis, S.; Moore, R.; Frampton, K.; Finazzi, V.; Feng, X.; Monro, T.; Richardson, D.
2007Mid-IR supercontinuum generation from nonsilica microstructured optical fibersPrice, J.; Monro, T.; Ebendorff-Heidepriem, H.; Poletti, F.; Horak, P.; Finazzi, V.; Leong, J.; Petropoulos, P.; Flanagan, J.; Brambilla, G.; Feng, X.; Richardson, D.