The Archives contains the non-current administrative records of the University that are worthy of permanent preservation.
The collection dates from the establishment of the University in 1874 and includes University Council and committee minutes, Elder Conservatorium records, early student and staff records, as well as a number of private donations that provide an insight into life at the University.
There are also records from student clubs and societies and related institutions including Roseworthy Agricultural College, Waite Agricultural Research Institute, Adelaide Teachers College and the South Australian College of Advanced Education.
Collections in this community
Series 1020 'The Student' Magazine of Roseworthy Agricultural College
The Roseworthy Student magazine was produced under joint direction of current students and the Old Collegians Association. It contains information about College staff and students as well as a wide range of educational, agricultural and other extracurricula activities. The magazine has been digitised in a joint project supported by the State Library of South Australia and the University Archives Volunteer Group. An index is also being compiled and will be available online upon completion.
Series 108 University of Adelaide Calendars
The series consists of digitised copies of the University of Adelaide Calendar which, in the early years, provide substantial information about the University, its operation, courses, students and staff. In later years, information is restricted to course rules and content. For issues not yet available from this collection, contact the University Archives of or phone 08 8313 3407.
Series 1151 University Photographs and Glass Slides
This collection contains historic images of the University of Adelaide buildings and grounds, as well as staff, students and other people associated with its activities including many high profile South Australians from the late 1800's. The images date from the establishment of the University in 1874. Please use further information details to obtain permission for reproduction or copies of images.
Series 1345 Oral Histories and Interviews
This collection contains recordings of oral history interviews with former University staff and associates. There are also interviews relating to Roseworthy Agricultural College and Waite Agricultural Research Institute.
Series 1377 Roseworthy Old Collegians Association [ROCA] Digest
The series consists of copies of the ROCA Digest newsletter for members of the Roseworthy Old Collegians Association from 1962. It includes details of Association activities and meetings, graduates, current Roseworthy news and other items of interest to members. Later issues of the Digest are available at the ROCA website on
Series 1388 Australian Federation of University Women [AFUW] Photographs
The Adelaide University Women Graduates' Association was founded in 1914 as the Women Graduates' Club, a sub-society of the Adelaide University Women Students' Club (which was founded in 1909). In 1929 it became the Adelaide University Women Graduates' Association, and in 1968, the South Australian University Women Graduates' Association. In 1974 it affiliated with the national body of the Australian Federation of University Women and the SA branch was incorporated in 1981. In 2009, it was renamed Graduate Women of South Australia (GWSA)
Series 163 University Newscuttings Books
The University Newscuttings Books contain chronologically ordered newscuttings of South Australian and other newspaper articles relating to the University of Adelaide or subjects of interest to the University.
Series 312 Elder Conservatorium Photographs
This collection was collated and/or relates to the Elder Conservatorium and School of Music. Many of the photographs are from the collection of Maude Puddy, a Conservatorium piano teacher. They include images of celebrated musicians and performers and many have personal annotations.
Series 411 Faculty of Science Publications - Digital Recordings
The series consists of various publications and promotional material produced by the Faculty of Science from the 1990's onwards.
Series 524 Photographs of University and Intervarsity sports teams – Adelaide University Sports Association
This collection consists of photographs depicting various University of Adelaide sporting teams from c 1890 to the late 1990s. They include athletics, badminton, baseball, basketball, boxing, cricket, football, golf, hockey, judo, lacrosse, rifle shooting, rowing, soccer, softball, squash, tennis and weightlifting, as well as the Sports Association General Committee from the 1920's and 1930's.
Series 695 Images of University Buildings, People and Events
This collection contains scanned negatives and prints and has been divided into three categories of people, buildings and events. The images are both historical and contemporary and cover all aspects of University life. The digital repository is not complete and a detailed listing is available from the Archives Office.
Series 986 Roseworthy Agricultural College Photographs & Images
The series consists of photographs of sporting teams, students, staff and activities at the Roseworthy Agricultural College. They include many historical images of agricultural machinery, livestock and farming practices.
Theatre Guild Productions
Each entry contains resources related to the production including programmes, posters, photographs and other related material. More detailed information about each production can be viewed in the AusStage database.
- 73 Spoken word
- 67 laboratories
- 62 music
- 60 professors
- 56 art works
- 43 football
- 43 tennis
- 42 cricket
- 41 RDA
- 40 Vice-Chancellors
- < previous next >
- 193 2000 - 2018
- 3393 1900 - 1999
- 155 1860 - 1899