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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2004Multicenter, prospective, double-blind, randomized trial of laparoscopic Nissen vs anterior 90 degrees partial fundoplicationWatson, D.; Jamieson, G.; Lally, C.; Archer, S.; Bessell, J.; Booth, M.; Cade, R.; Cullingford, G.; Devitt, P.; Fletcher, D.; Hurley, J.; Kiroff, G.; Martin, C.; Martin, I.; Nathanson, L.; Windsor, J.
2001A prospective randomized trial of laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication with anterior vs posterior hiatal repairWatson, D.; Jamieson, G.; Devitt, P.; Kennedy, J.; Ellis, T.; Ackroyd, R.; Lafullarde, T.; Game, P.
1996Prospective double blind randomised trial of laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication with division and without division of short gastric vesselsWatson, D.; Pike, G.; Mathew, G.; Baigrie, R.; Devitt, P.; Britten-Jones, R.; Peracchia, A.; Rosati, R.; Bonavina, L.; Fumagalli, U.; Bona, S.; Chella, B.
1998Concurrent fluoroscopy and manometry reveal differences in laparoscopic nissen and anterior fundoplicationAnderson, J.; Myers, J.; Watson, D.; Gabb, M.; Mathew, G.; Jamieson, G.
1999Importance of dissection of the hernial sac in laparoscopic surgery for large hiatal herniasWatson, D.; Davies, N.; Devitt, P.; Jamieson, G.
2011Prospective randomized trial of laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication with anterior versus posterior hiatal repair: Late outcomesChew, C.; Jamieson, G.; Devitt, P.; Watson, D.
2010Five-year follow-up of a multicenter, double-blind randomized clinical trial of laparoscopic Nissen vs anterior 90 degrees partial fundoplicationNijjar, R.; Watson, D.; Jamieson, G.; Archer, S.; Bessell, J.; Booth, M.; Cade, R.; Cullingford, G.; Devitt, P.; Fletcher, D.; Hurley, J.; Kiroff, G.; Martin, I.; Nathanson, L.; Windsor, J.
2012Twenty years of experience with laparoscopic antireflux surgeryEngstrom, C.; Cai, W.; Irvine, T.; Devitt, P.; Thompson, S.; Game, P.; Bessell, J.; Jamieson, G.; Watson, D.
2000Laparoscopic antireflux surgery in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux in patients with Barrett esophagusYau, P.; Watson, D.; Devitt, P.; Game, P.; Jamieson, G.
1995Para oesophageal hiatus hernia: an important complication of laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication.Watson, D.; Jamieson, G.; Devitt, P.; Mitchell, P.; Game, P.